Beer; used to prevent cardiovascular diseases, hardening of the arteries and coronary heart disease



Beer is one of the traditional and most widely consumed drinks of alcohol in the world and is the most essential drink after water and tea which are consumed by people. Beer is made by brewing it and fermenting from starches mainly extracted from the cereal grains, especially from the malted barley although wheat, rice, corn oats, and rest are also used to make the beer. During the process of fermentation of the starch glucose in the wort liberates ethanol and carbonation in the beer produced. Many modern alcoholic beers are done using hops which are usually a bit bitter and also have other flavors and are also preservatives naturally and are the stabilizing agents. Flavoring agents such as herbs, gruit, and fruits aren’t comprised in this or utilized in place of hops. In brewing commercially, the natural carbonation effect is generally eradicated during the making and alteration of forced carbonation.

 Few humanities were the earlier known things which were known as the production or the manufacture of beer. Beer is can be obtained in cans or in bottles which are accessible in draught mainly in pubs and bars. The brewing industry comprises the MNCs and several thousands of producers starting from the brewpubs to regional breweries. The potential of the modern beer is generally about 4% to 6% alcohol by the capacity. Beer leads to the formation of several traditions such as the Beer Festival, pub crawling, pub games, and other pub quizzes. When the beer becomes processed and distilled then it leads to the formation of whiskey. The process of preparing the beer is known as brewing. A building for making the beer is known as a brewery from which a beer can be prepared in the home. As per the Alcohol TTB, there were 6,406 brewery locations in the U.S as of 2020,



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