Chia Seeds; Used To Reduce The Risk Of Heart Diseases And Various Health Conditions


Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are those seeds that are obtained from the desert plant named Salvia hispanica which lies under the category of the mint family. These seeds are generally named chia seeds and also other trademark names. It is believed that the chia seeds originated from Central America and it is regarded as a staple in the ancient diet. Chia seeds are well known and are consumed in huge quantities as they are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and also are a source of fiber. A two tablespoon of chia seeds comprises nearly 10 grams of fiber, it also contains proteins, and minerals, and also comprises iron, magnesium, zinc, and calcium.

 Several studies state that consuming Chia Seeds have several benefits and it can be added as an alternative to healthy food consumption regularly. It also aids one to be free from several enduring diseases. Chia seeds can be consumed in raw form or can be used in the preparation of several dishes. Blending these chia seeds in rice, yogurt, fruit juice or vegetables or on the cereals or soaking it in water and consuming it can also be very beneficial for the health. The Chia Seeds are not only a part of the chia plant, also it is an edible part of sprouts and can be added to salads, sandwiches, and several other dishes.

 Chia Seeds are full of antioxidants, and nutrients and they also have a nutty flavor and mild flavor they can be added to the daily food for a better-balanced diet. Chia seeds are very rich providing benefits such as they are very high in fiber, and they fulfill the RDA up to 30%. It helps in the process of weight loss, it may increase the levels of high-density lipoprotein and can decrease blood sugar. In January 2018, Benicia an American-based chia manufacturer approved the clearance of a line of chia packaged food and omega -3 supplements.



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