Frozen Processed Food; Food Products Preserved Under Low Temperatures and Used Over A Long Period


Frozen Processed Food Market

Frozen processed food is defined as food products that are preserved under low temperature and used over a long period. The freezing is important to preserve the food quality and texture. Frozen processed foods retain their minerals and vitamins and there is no change to the fat, protein, and/or carbohydrate content. Frozen foods, in some cases, contain more minerals and vitamins compared to fresh foods, as they lose minerals and vitamins over time while freezing preserves the nutrients. Many Frozen Processed Food are often high in sodium, saturated fats, and added sugars, and thus, read the nutritional information of chosen food carefully.

Frozen processed foods are stored under certain temperatures to maintain their quality. Freezing has been used for centuries to preserve food, but modern freezing techniques have made it possible to freeze large number of food products in short period of time at low temperatures. Such products control microbial growth and maintain the quality of processed products for longer periods of time. Frozen processed food is considered as healthy and natural food product. Frozen processed food is any prepared food item that has been frozen for commercial sale. These products are convenient for busy people, and can be a healthy alternative to traditional restaurant fare.

Processed food includes food that has been cooked, canned, frozen, packaged, and/or changed in nutritional composition with fortifying, preserving, or preparing in many different ways. Freezing preserves food from the time it is prepared to the time it is eaten. Food processing is a process of altering cooked food or ingredients and freezing it at recommended temperatures. They are easy to prepare compared to fresh food and hence are gaining popularity across the globe. Data suggest that its popularity will linger in the long term, as consumer (worldwide) shopping patterns continue to favor the convenience that frozen foods provide.

According to the American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) and Food Industry Association (FMI), frozen Food is a pandemic powerhouse ringing in US$ 65.1 billion in retail sales in 2020, a 21% increase compared to a year ago. All meal occasions such as dinner, lunch, snacks, and breakfast are contributing to an increase in frozen food purchases. According to the AFFI, between 2020 & 2021, around 42% of households bought frozen foods online, a 19% increase from 2018. In 2020, frozen food sales increased 75% online. Moreover, according to the Food Institute, around 74% of shoppers sought healthy frozen food choices. 


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