Mining Floatation Chemicals Are Organic Or Inorganic Compounds That Alter The Surface Properties Of The Minerals


Mining Floatation Chemicals Market

Mining floatation chemicals are the chemical reagents used for the recovery of minerals from ores by froth flotation. This process helps in separating the floatable from the non-floatable minerals to yield a desired mineral fraction. These chemicals have various functionalities and can be divided into the following groups - frothers, promoters, depressants, activators, sulphidizers, and regulators.

Sulphide ores are mainly concentrated through froth flotation and are widely preferred over non-sulphide ores that yield lesser minerals. Generally, sulphide ores contain a variety of minerals such as iron, copper, lead, gold, silver, nickel, and cobalt. Mining Floatation Chemicals are highly sought after due to their versatility.

These ores are processed by froth flotation and a large number of mineral recovery techniques. However, froth flotation is the most effective technique that is used to recover sulphide ores. The use of sulphide ores has increased in recent years. The demand for these ores is expected to increase in the coming years as more mineral resources are being discovered and produced.

During the past few years, the demand for these ores has increased significantly. These ores are widely preferred over non-sulphide minerals owing to their versatility and higher grade. Mining Floatation Chemicals ores are also known for their low specific gravity and abrasive nature. Consequently, they require more mining flotation chemicals to recover the desired minerals from them.

The most common sulphide ores that are processed by mining flotation chemicals include molybdenite, ilmenite, and chromite. The primary use of these reagents is to enhance the mineral grade, and thus the production rate of these ores.

Another major application of these reagents is to recover zinc and iron sulphides from the oxidized ore. The zinc and iron sulphide are then further processed to remove the remaining impurities from these ores.

These reagents have an important role in improving the mineral grade of the ores, thereby contributing to their overall profitability and efficiency.

A leading companies in mining flotation chemicals manufacturer, Clariant AG opened up the Competence Center for Tailings Management, their new laboratory in September 2021 in Brazil. This new laboratory is dedicated for customizing and innovating solutions for enhancing the sustainability of the global mining industry. 


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